“For us as parents, United Tennis has given us a great opportunity for our children to develop a great sport through which they learn to train, and develop their character. That is why we are very happy with the program What does coach Belen do!”
Natalia Escobar – Mother of Sofia Campos, a student at UTO.

“The program is very important to the futures of the children that are served. They are learning much more than a sport. The most important thing is that they are learning from a young age.”
Jessica Moreno, UTO Board Member
“What a privilege it is to partner with United Tennis Organization, a National Junior Tennis & Learning (NJTL) Chapter in Gastonia! UTO is dedicated to providing free or reduced cost tennis lessons and exposing youth to educational opportunities that expand their hearts and minds. What I love the most about UTO is how its leadership engages youth with program variety, creativity, and lots of FUN. Kids learn not only the fundamentals of the game of tennis but also how to engage with others and in community through tennis clinics & tournaments, festivals, summer camps, and immersive learning experiences that teach lifelong lessons “off court.”
Kelly Lombardino – Director of Development and Programs NC Tennis Foundation