On September 13, our Executive Director, Belén Gómez-Jordana received an email with this opening paragraph: “We are very happy to inform you that United Tennis Organization has been chosen as the winner of the 2023 USTA NC Diversity Outreach and Inclusion Award. It is an honor to recognize UTO and the valuable contributions you are making to tennis in North Carolina” (Morgan Brannon, USTA North Carolina). What a wonderful honor it was to receive those news!! Our organization received the award at the Community Development Workshop Awards Luncheon on Saturday, September 30, 2023, from 12:30-2pm. This event took place at the Grandover Resort in Greensboro, NC. There are not enough words to thank our tennis players, parents, volunteers, donors, and USTA NC for helping us to advance tennis and make our community a healthier and better place to live. This first award is for you!!