Meet a Sponsor of the Cinco de Mayo Festival in Gastonia: AZTECA MEXICAN RESTAURANT

Azteca Restaurants are turning 30 years old and what better way to celebrate than by being one of the main sponsors of the Cinco de Mayo Festival in Gastonia 2024. There are four Azteca restaurants in the Charlotte and Gastonia areas. Let’s talk about the restaurant located in Gastonia at 1863 W Franklin Blvd, Gastonia, NC 28052.
Azteca Family Mexican Restaurant is a small local business serving fresh and tasty Mexican food since 1998. The restaurant is owned and operated by Alfredo, who started as a dishwasher and worked his way up the ranks. Azteca Restaurant in Gastonia prides itself on creating a connection with its customers and welcoming families to come and enjoy a party together! After being promoted, Alfredo took the lead. Since then, he is helping Azteca Restaurant to continue thriving and prioritizing the best guest experience at the forefront of everything they do. Offering the best family-style authentic Mexican food in Gastonia. With fresh and tasty tacos, nachos, fajitas, burritos, margaritas and more…perfect for any party!
On Saturday, May 4, 2024 Azteca Mexican Restaurant will be celebrating its 30th anniversary with the entire community. Don’t miss it!

Meet a Sponsor for the Cinco de Mayo Festival in Gastonia: TOYOTA/MAZDA of GASTONIA

Toyota/Mazda of Gastonia is the Title Sponsor of the Cinco de Mayo Festival in Gastonia 2024. The dealership has Spanish-speaking employees with the goal of serving all drivers in Gastonia, Charlotte and Lincolnton. It has a large inventory of versatile models, from sports vehicles to fully equipped late-model trucks. Toyota of Gastonia is a solid choice for drivers beginning the car-buying process and looking for a reliable new or used Toyota dealership near them.
Its inventory, which can be viewed online or in person, is the starting point for the many services it provides. Whether you’re looking for a new or used car, Toyota of Gastonia has a great selection of new Toyota models and affordable used vehicles to choose from. In addition, Toyota of Gastonia also offers access to its financial center, flexible solutions for Toyota loans and leases. Plus, there is a service department where you can handle all types of repairs, from oil changes to transmission repairs, so you can have the peace of mind you deserve. From United Tennis, we want to thank all the support from Toyota/Mazda for the Cinco de Mayo Festival! Thank you!

Cinco de Mayo Festival in Gastonia: Fundraiser for United Tennis Organization

For the very first time, United Tennis is collaborating with the Gastonia Police Department to host the Cinco de Mayo Festival in Downtown Gastonia on Saturday, May 4 from 12pm to 7pm. The Festival objective is to celebrate Mexican and Hispanic culture by remembering an event such as the victory of the Mexican army against the Second French Empire at the battle that took place in Puebla, Mexico. This year, the Festival had the support of 17 sponsors, local businesses from the Gastonia-Charlotte area who wanted to support this event which will be for the first time a fundraiser for United Tennis.

Cinco de Mayo Festival in Gastonia: Fundraising Event to Support United Tennis Organization

For the first time, United Tennis organizes along with the Gastonia Police Department the Cinco de Mayo Festival. An event that will take place on Saturday, May 4, from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm in Downtown Gastonia. This time, the festival will be a fundraising event that will benefit United Tennis. The raised funds will go to purchase a van for the organization and to create a United Tennis university scholarship fund to support students going to college. United Tennis thanks the support obtained from local companies and businesses that are sponsoring this event. Among some of the sponsors are: Toyota Gastonia, Mazda Gastonia, Restaurante Azteca, XIII Casas, and Web Custom Kitchen.

United Tennis brings tennis to CMS schools

Along with the inauguration of our tennis program at Mint Hill, United Tennis also began its program at CMS schools in Charlotte. Fifty students from the public school Collinswood Language Academy are participating in this program. Ninety percent of this group has been able to hold a tennis racket in their hands for the first time. The program takes place every Thursday from 4:30pm to 5:30pm in the school gym. “This is a program to teach the basics of tennis to the children and to motivate them to continue practicing this sport,” said the Executive Director of United Tennis, Belén Gómez-Jordana. This program was implemented at this location thanks to Ross Glynn, a member of the Collinswood Language Academy PTA.

United Tennis will participate again in the team championship: Junior Team Tennis

United Tennis students will participate once again in the Junior Team Tennis Team Championship organized by USTA North Carolina. This season, the United Tennis 8&U team has eleven registered students. The 14&U team has four students enrolled. The goal of United Tennis is to introduce its students to tennis competition. Junior Team Tennis has a number of registered teams from Gastonia and Charlotte. All teams must play against each other, and the team with the most tennis matches wins goes to the state championship.

United Tennis adds “Abilities Tennis” program at Mint Hill

For the first time, United Tennis add to its programs an “Abilities Tennis” group at Mint Hill. United Tennis is collaborating with the Abilities Tennis NC Foundation to offer tennis classes at Mint Hill to young people with special abilities. Nowadays, more than 10 young people with autism can play tennis thanks to this program. “Doing physical exercise and working on coordination and motor skills is achieved thanks to the support of a group of volunteers who show their affection for this group of athletes every week,” commented the Program Director at Mint Hill, Marta Gómez-Jordana. The “Abilities Tennis” program has no cost until June 2024, as the program is sponsored by USTA Southern. The program organizers hope that local companies may be interested in sponsoring this valuable program. If you are interested in registering your children to the tennis classes, please go to

United Tennis began program in Mint Hill – Charlotte area

On Saturday, February 24, 2024 the United Tennis Organization new program began in Mint Hill, Charlotte area. Acting Mint Hill Mayor Dale Dalton, Mint Hill Commissioner Twanna Henderson, and Mecklenburg County Commissioner Susan Rodriguez McDowell attended the opening event of the program. They played tennis with representatives from United Tennis. Today, United Tennis offers group classes at Mint Hill Veterans Memorial Park on Wednesdays and Fridays from 5:30pm to 6:30pm and Saturdays from 9:00am to 10:00am. “As the program grows” said Marta Gómez-Jordana, UTO Program Director in Charlotte, “we will add more groups and classes to the program. The cost of classes is $5 an hour, which makes it a very affordable and accessible program for all families,” she added. If you are interested in registering your children, you can do so on at

United Tennis adds two new programs this February 2024

The “Tennis for All” program, which began in Gastonia in 2021, is now expanding to the Mint Hill – Charlotte area.

On February 26, it will begin on the tennis courts at Veterans Memorial Park in Mint Hill after reaching a collaboration with the city. Mint Hill Mayor Brad Simmons approved adding the program and allowing the use of the tennis courts by United Tennis. The goal of United Tennis is allowing access for young people to the sport of tennis; and this is a unique opportunity to continue fulfilling this mission. At Mint Hill, United Tennis will also work with a group of young people with autism, making “Tennis for All” a much more inclusive program. Furthermore, United Tennis has created a collaboration with the Abilities Tennis NC Foundation to train its staff and provide quality service for all its students.

Also, United Tennis will begin teaching tennis classes on February 29 at CMS School, Collinswood Language Academy. With 45 children registered already.  It is the first time that a UTO program has been held in a school. Coach Manuel Rios will be in charge of carrying out the “Tennis for All” program at said school.

We attended the NC Tennis Weekend in Pinehurst, NC

NC Tennis Weekend took place on January 26-28, 2024. An event organized by USTA North Carolina, in which the volunteers who make up different committees of the organization could meet and talk about how to work in 2024 to continue promoting and providing tennis to everyone. United Tennis members attended a tennis coaching workshop and meetings of several committees where they serve as volunteers, such as the Inclusion and Diversity Committee and the Schools Committee. The committees are made up of volunteers from across the state of North Carolina. This event is a unique opportunity to meet all of the volunteers and talk one-on-one about the objectives for this new year. In the photo, volunteers from the Inclusion and Diversity Committee and members of United Tennis: Manuel Rios, Delia Escoto, Marta Gomez-Jordana, and Belen Gomez-Jordana.